Monday, August 24, 2009

Philippine Mission Trip 2010 Update/ August 2009

In August the Church began providing an insert into the bulletin to outline some of our needs. It is exciting to see items coming in. Here is the bulletin:
Our plans for the Biao, Philippines Mission Trip is under way and we are gearing up now. We will be starting a new United Methodist Church there as well as providing a first ever Vacation Bible School Program. One other item on the agenda is to provide school supplies and backpacks to the 340 high school students who have to walk up the mountain several miles each day just to go to school. We would be grateful if you could help us out with this mission goal as you are purchasing school supplies for your own children this fall. This is a great time of year to find school supplies at drastically reduced prices.
Items we would like to give each student:
Back Pack- Rain Coat- Umbrella-Note Books-Paper ( writing pads or loose leaf)
Ball Point Pens-Pencils-Dictionary-Single Pencil Sharpener